Sunday, February 26, 2012

Animals in Film

"This is why the difference of the animal look might mark the boundary between animal and human, but this boundary is also fluid."

This quote really caught my eye. I wasn't as sure as to what it meant because of the context around the sentence. I believe that it was talking about how films can limit the ideas and the truths behind how animals and humans can communicate and respond to one another. When he states that the "boundary is also fluid," I believe that he is addressing the thoughts of how humans and animals through "the eye" can show whether or not an animal is accepting or feeling threatened by the human.

Another line that caught my eye was,

" Whilst animals may contribute to the shaping of the figure of the human, that does not mean that they necessarily negatively define it."

Althought I wasn't too sure what this quote meant, I thought that it meant that the relations expressed throughout movies between human and animal give the audience a suggestive idea of how animals anf humans in "reality" respond to one another or give one another definition. And that although some films may show friendly animals or completely savage-like animals, it is necessary to keep in mind that these are just films.

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