Sunday, February 5, 2012

week 1

I'm not so sure what we were suppose to blog about for the first week of class. But I since we discussed animals and how we as humans project our ideas of cuteness upon them, I suppose I should start from there.

I never really thought about why or how I perceive animals to be cute. I just thought they were cute you know? I didn't even recognize that the only reason why they were cute is because of us! Putting humanistic characters on them...

But then at the same time, when looking at animals I do think that they are beautiful creatures! I don't think it's wrong to say that they are cute or beautiful. I think to an extent they are just because they are. I don't think that it's only because of the perceptions of what we believe is cute.

I'm not sure if what I'm saying is making any sense. But all I'm saying is that animals are beautiful no matter...well most of

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