so, today was my act of awareness. i wish i woulda done it sooner and so i could wear the shirt longer. It was kinda funny wearing it because i guess i wasn't use to the attention that ppl gave me when they looked at the shirts. I first thought about this act of awareness, which was to let the world know about the usage of God's name, saying it in vain. It offends me when ppl say it and i know that many ppl don't think about it when they say it. I'll admit, i use to do it all the time, but after having a good talk with my youth pastor about it, i understood why it's one of the ten commandments. And not only is that it, but also the fact that to me, it's a sign of respect. I mean, sure u might not think there is a God or even have one, but that doesn't mean you should disrespect other people's God. you know?
and so, that's where i came up with this act of awareness. Like in the paper said, "Personal is political" and i wanted to do something that showed who i was.
well okay, ppl saw my shirt, they'd stop me and go "what does ur shirt say?" ---some read it, and just nodded and was like "oh...okay..." and others were like "oh snaps 'uh-oh' " or "good job" or " i really like your shirt" but like my teachers gave me weird looks. Lols.
well okay, ppl saw my shirt, they'd stop me and go "what does ur shirt say?" ---some read it, and just nodded and was like "oh...okay..." and others were like "oh snaps 'uh-oh' " or "good job" or " i really like your shirt" but like my teachers gave me weird looks. Lols.
like Mr.Long, he was like "Uh-oh" what does ur shirt say... and then he read it and idk why,
but he started laughing at me! ahaha i thought it was pretty funny actually. lols.
But another really interesting thing was like,
when ppl asked me about my shirt, when they read it (and most of the ppl who read my shirt, read it out loud, i found that pretty entertaining too.Lols) But they'd ask me, What God are you talking about? Whose God? i was thinking...what other God but God?! so i said uhhhhh.. Our Father? lols like...Jesus Christ's father? And then they'd go.."oh...okay" and walk away. But in Spanish, Phil C., he read my shirt and was like..hold up. and we started arguing about Christianity. lols Badillo was like shut up you too. lols
Anywhoos, overall, i really , HONESTLY, don't think ppl got the message. Like too many ppl read it and just like...idk i knew by the look on their face like.."what's that suppose to mean" you know? so...idk.
i might wear this shirt a lot more though. Cuz it makes ppl think for once. you know? and i made a video too but, it'll be on Youtube soon, but i can't upload it yet cuz youtube is doing maintenance right now, but just look up english project. it's not much, just another blog except in video format ;)
but overall i really liked this project, It made us step out of our comfort zones and actually do something that could change a persons life and also help us find out who we are as citizens and as humans.
i gave you a shoutout in my blog. lol
chyea, im used to attention, but not attention that comes BEFORE i do or say anything funny/stoopid. im gonna wear mine again too, cuz alotta people didnt get it
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