Sunday, October 26, 2008


you know,
i realized that in this book,
they don't really talk about their dreams and real ambition...
i mean, did tesman really wanna be a writer?....................idk random thought. anywhoos.

i also realized that the book
it's so vague about like, their memories.
Like, if the characters ever really had a first love.
if Tesman was like some sort of nerd.
idk..i just imagened something like that to be SOMEWHERE in the book.

But okay. so..i guess it kinda bugs me that in the beginning, it startes with them
already being married, cause we really don't know what really happened
between them
i think that woulda been more...
i can't explain it, but
what do u guys think?


dchou said...

yeah, i agree. the past isn't too well referenced in the play: there's only bits and pieces for us to go off on. For instance, from act 2, we know that Brack and Hedda used to be in the same circle of friends and that Lovborg used to go out with Hedda and go to her house. We also know that Thea used to be "an old flame" of Tesman's. So while we don't get the whole picture, which would be quite interesting, we get snippets, which does just nicely to set up the drama here.

BooBooMyLove said...

i know right?
so lame.
but i guess since durin this time,
when the play was being written
you couldn't tell or write every thought you wanted to..
but i mean, their relationship isn't something like..
wrong right? it still makes no sense to me.